Bless this boy. He entered the MTC on June 5, 2013. Unreal. Great report from the lad:
“Dead Rear”
Love to all!
That subject is what
happens when you switch the first two letters of where I’m serving because I
think I’m funny. That’s why so is mankind.
Happy 20th! (Cake mix provided by Sis. Woolley of Orlando, FL) |
Red Deer is awesome! So is Elder Stoker. He’s from Montana, but he isn’t a farm boy. He’s never ridden a horse. But, he does love guns. He wants to study economics so he can someday be a consultant to a senator. He’s very committed and he’s a hard worker. We’ve got an excellent dynamic. I may only be with him for one transfer since this is his fourth transfer in Red Deer (he had two companions before me), which means that I may only be in Red Deer for three transfers. We’ll just have to see! (It’s typical to be in an area for four transfers with each companionship lasting two transfers.) It’s been really rainy here for the last few days. It’s very lush and green. I love it.
The work is going well. Hopefully we’ll see some good things happening with investigators. We’ve got a few right now, but the ones I’ve met don’t seem to be progressing well, so we’ve got to get them to that point or find some new ones. Missionary work is hard, but it makes you feel great when you do what you know Heavenly Father wants you to be doing.
We’ve got the baptism I inherited this week. The man’s name is Wolfgang. He’s German, and his wife joined the church around 14 years ago, I believe. I don’t know much about his process, but it seems that he was ready for the gospel, and he’s got a powerful testimony. It’s interesting that even though some things get lost in translation, the Spirit can still speak to our spirits and testify. Truth is truth, no matter what language you speak. So, we’re looking forward to that!
This has been a good, fast
week! It’s unbelievable that I hit a year on Thursday. That was so fast! Crazy,
crazy times. It’s been a great year. I’ve learned so much and I’d like to think
that I’ve grown. One of my goals for my mission was to come home better that I
left. You’d think that would happen naturally, but improvement requires real
effort, and if you give a weak effort, even for two years, you might not
improve. We’ve got to give it our all! I want to make this next year even
better than the last, and if I do what I’m supposed to, I can make that happen!
(Holy crap, I’m halfway done.)
Funny story! There is a
little boy in our ward who just turned five. When he woke up on the morning of
his birthday he said, “My hands are bigger, and I can talk louder!” I’ve never
had a birthday like that.
Also, I’m becoming less
and less interested in candy. Until further notice, maybe would you send beef
jerky in my packages instead of candy? That would be awesome.
I love you all! That’s
awesome that Max is going to be heading to the temple next week. The Church is
true! I’ve got some pictures to send. Sorry it’s been so long!
Thanks to the Woolley fam for the birthday tie! |
With Kestin, Beth and Elder Jolley in Coronation Park |
Keep the faith,
Elder Eli
• • •
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